Bored of N.I. Massive's wavetables? Here's two new soft-synths that will change your game.
Imagine loading any sound you'd like into Native Instruments Massive's wavetable oscillators and run it though all of the awesome filters, modulations and effects that come stock with massive plus a bunch more! Well, now you can...
Hysteresis features a delay effect with stutter, lowpass filter and modulation effects thrown into the feedback signal path.
Here’s what they have to say about Hysteresis:
"Easily infuse your projects with glitchy articulations and abstract textures. Process anything from drums and percussion to synth lines and sound effects. On top of being able to create incredibly wild signal mutations, it can also be used to generate classic delay effects."Here’s an audio demo of Hysteresis in action:
Hysteresis is a free download from the Glitchmachines site.
If you’ve downloaded Hysteresis and tried it out, please feel free to leave your review in the comments below!
Source: Synthtopia
Tags: free, dope, sound design, software, free download, VST